JIM LEHRER: And, finally tonight, in praise of working with your hands. Jeffrey Brown has our Labor Day book conversation. JEFFREY BROWN: Motorcycle maintenance, Martin Heidegger, and how we live as consumers and workers, it all comes together in a new book by Matthew Crawford,…

Szerző: zopar  2009.11.26. 19:36 Szólj hozzá!

Video:   Text:JIM LEHRER: Next tonight: turning lowly (egyszerű) algae (alga) into fuel, another in a series of stories about how people are innovating to move the economy forward. "NewsHour" correspondent (tudósító) Tom Bearden has our Science Unit report. DAVE DISS, Solix…

Szerző: zopar  2009.11.14. 20:57 Szólj hozzá!

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